HermitClock Privacy policy


The current times for all active Hermitcraft SMP members

Who we are

Our website address is: https://hermitclock.com.


We have a cookie banner which allows you to opt-in for non-essential cookies, such as targeting or performance cookies. Our banner is compliant with Google Consent Mode v2, and allows you to choose specific categories for approval.

GTM and Google Analytics 4 are used for functionality, performance, and targeting reasons. See the GA4 cookies and their purposes here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/11397207

Cloudflare is used as a challenge platform for this site’s security. See the full list of cookies and their purposes here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/reference/policies-compliances/cloudflare-cookies/

Other cookies

Cookie Name Description Duration
cookie_consent_level Cookie consent level Stores the selection for which type of cookies are approved 10 years
cookie_consent_user_accepted Cookie consent user accepted Stores the value as to whether cookies have been approved or not 10 years
cookie_consent_user_consent_token Cookie consent user consent token Stores a unique token to identify users 10 years
time_format Time Format Stores your preference of 12 or 24 hour time formats for the clock widgets 30 days
hermitclock_session HermitClock Session Unique session token to identify users between pages 2 hours
XSRF-TOKEN XSRF Token Validates asynchronous requests between your browser and the server when fetching extra data on a loaded page 2 hours

Who we share your data with

We share your data with no third parties.

Where your data is sent

Cloudflare’s WAF rules are used for spam prevention. Some of your client information may be used to determine if requests are legitimate. These WAF rules are in place only when signing in to the website, leaving a comment, or submitting via the contact form.

We monitor analytics and performance through Google Analytics 4. See Cookies section for more information.